...it is to be used when doing service, not when leaving comments on my blog, especially when you are out to make Mickel look bad. For shame!
I have received, and posted, some anonymous comments on my blog, and you know what? All of them were contrary to some degree. Now, I don't mind contrarians; in fact, I think that they are necessary to regulate society, and at times they make very good points.
However, if you post a comment to a blog with your comment, ranging from annoying to downright insulting, if you do it anonymously, I will take that as a sign of your cowardice. You do not need to be afraid of stating your opinion, but, well, I guess you feel otherwise. That's fine. But if you want to do so, don't be surprised when I call you a coward! (you cowards)
Like I said, anonymity should be reserved for doing service. The FCA thereby decrees that no anonymously-left comments will be published on this blog, unless they are positive or complimentary in some way. I expect that Kareem Abdul-Jabbar will start flooding me with comment notices full of flowery words and semi-gay rhetoric.
Oh, Kareem!
What's this? Someone is anonymously socking it to me on your blog? I'm trying to think what I've written here that could possibly be socking-worthy, and all I come up with is the Palin comment and a few juvenile Kareem Abdul Jabar remarks. And I'd hate to have the Lew A. Crew after me, what with my recent troubles with the Van Bueren Boys...
What was it, exactly?
Some old-timey type fella, I suppose, whose basketball knowledge I can respect. He disrespected you for not knowing that the dude in the back wearing #1 is Oscar Robertson. I didn't know either. Not substantial enough to try to leave a belittling remark.
Oh. I can respect that. I thought it'd be something I said about Palin or Republicans, you know, trivial stuff.
Anonymous old-timey guy: I apologize for my ignorance of pre-Jordan era basketball. I will attempt to atone for this by telling the next person I see that Oscar Robertson was a great basketball player.
Mickel, you can even impress them by referring to him as "Mr. Triple-Double."
I agree. If you are going to be an ass, be an ass with confidence. Otherwise you likely leave others blaming us known asses who confidently stand beside our jackass comments, because if it was an ass-worthy comment left anonymously, others will attribute it to those they know are asses and likely would make such comments. If someone thinks I am being an ass, I want it to really be me being the ass.
I couldn't have said it better myself b.a.n.
So I thought I was subscribed to your blog and that you just weren't writing, and then I find out I missed the whole scandal where some old dude disses Mickel for being a dunce? This sucks.
Now you are on my list.
Just a follow-up on this: I did actually tell the next person I saw that Oscar Robinson was a great basketball player. It was Keith from Accounting. Though he looked at me in a bewildered and slightly alarmed manner, I couldn't help but feel a great burden had been lifted from me.
ooo. hope you also told him that oscar robertson was good, too.
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