Feb 6, 2005

Initial entry

So yes, I am starting a Weblog. This seems a good way of not only getting things out, but of letting others in. This, I hope, will help make me see things more subjectively, and make me a more accepting person.

Let me tell you who I am. My name is Michael Kiyoshi Brady. I was born in Kamagaya, Chiba, Japan on 13 June 1979. My parents are both members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; my father is of Mormon pioneer stock and my mother is a Japanese native who converted to the religion in the mid 70's. This, by default, makes me, too, a Mormon, right?

Wrong. I was raised in an LDS home where I read LDS scriptures and prayed in the manner taught to me. I was raised to believe that alcohol and drugs are bad for you and that sexual intercourse is something to participate in after marriage. This is how I was raised, but I am not a Mormon.

Let me explain myself: I am making a distinction between being a Mormon (culture) and being a Latter-day Saint (religion). Being raised in a bigoted society where "tolerance" is merely a buzzword, I have defined myself by my religion for far too long--because I was raised to think this way. I seek enlightenment.

I believe in Jesus Christ and that he is the savior of my soul, and of yours. I believe that Joseph Smith experienced his theophany just as he said he did. As of this moment, I believe that Gordon B. Hinckley is a man leading a church which was founded by God. But why am I a Mormon? "Wait!" you might be crying out, "You just said that you aren't a Mormon, didn't you?" There is a multi-dimensional gradient between what I am appropriating to the terms "Mormon" and "Latter-day Saint." I was raised as a Mormon, and I still cling fast to many of the cultural attributes. Why? Because it is the old, familiar coat which has kept me warm for these 25-plus years. I would love to expand and become that "Saint." But rather than affiliate myself with a religion, I would like to be able to claim that I am a disciple of Christ--which I am--but allow my actions to demonstrate my sincerity.

"I am a Mormon, and will therefore go to Heaven." I believe it was the esteemed Reverend Lovejoy who said "I'll see you in Hell!...from Heaven." If Christ wants me to be a Latter-day Saint, then as his proclaimed disciple, I will do it. If he feels that the parameters of the LDS Church are what I need, then this is the direction he will lead me, in accordance with my personal beliefs. And you can feel free to disagree! This is what makes humanity marvelously wonderful, but equally despicable: that we can disagree. Peace and love, people. And yet, if he deems that my salvation would better be hinged on some Zoroastrian philosophy, or a mixture of Judaic and Shinto thought with a vein of Tao in there too, then so be it. But as a Christian who believes that he truly is "the way, the truth and the life," the Old and New Testaments will be my bread and my butter. Mormons don't go to heaven by mere virtue of a baptismal certificate signed by their LDS bishop. It requires much more, and demands that the individual facet his or her soul to the tenets of Christian faith, or at least do their damnedest and let the Savior save them from the faults that come with being human and mortal.

You can be Moslem, LDS, agnostic, Zulu, atheist or whomever you want to be. I will try not to judge you, but please know that I am Mormon and it is in my nature. The goal is to become a non-judgmental Christian. Let's bee friends.

My thoughts were everywhere tonight, and so I will let your weary eyes rest. There is a lot about me and my thoughts to put out in this, my initial blog. I will retire for the evening.

At least I was able to quote somebody from "The Simpsons." My goal will to include something from this wonderful television series in at least every-other blog.

1 comment:

Michael 聖 Brady said...

This is the exact kind of "chip on the shoulder" response that I was hoping to get. It's like saying "Utah drivers are awful" to a room full of Utahns, most of them will take offense. Why take offense if you are not a contributor to the issue? I am by no means attacking Mormonism. I believe the doctrine, but I clearly distinguish between the Church and the Gospel.

If this huckleberry would rather lend words of criticism to me(I can only assume that (s)he is LDS), instead of perhaps extend a softer hand of fellowship, then my pronunciation about Mormon "culture" and Latter-Day Saintism is correct. And yes, I do make clear that these are pseudonyms to the sub-groups within the religion.

And yet, this is the kind of feedback that I enjoy! I need to hear each person's point of view. I am grateful that huckleberry has contributed to my pool of thoughts, even though his/her comment would place a wedge between myself and the faith I yearn to be a part of. But no matter, because I simply pay no heed, but to clarify myself. However, please clarify yourselves. If you would like to make a point, please give evidence to support that point. Empty "assumptions" about my assumptions with no validating evidence is a listless and pointless platitude from an offended mind, and is good for not much more than to prove my point, and is appreciated in that light.

Please continue to add comments, one and all. Thank you.